Discover 100 one-pot recipes from cultures around the globe with Lonely Planet Food’s The World’s Best Bowl Food, published in March. The new book is divided into six chapters: Breakfast Bowls; Soups; Salads & Healthy Bowls; Rice, Pasta & Noodles; Stews, Braises & Hearty Bowls and Desserts.

More than 40 destinations are represented in the book, with recipes that will set you up for the day, warm the core or humbly feed friends and family. Explore the culture and cooking methods behind the planet’s most comforting meals with recipes for dishes such as Beouf Bourguignon (France), Bibimbap (Korea), Red Bean Tagine (Morocco), Waldorf Salad (USA) and Eton Mess (England). All recipes in the book are rated easy, medium or hard to re-create and include tasting notes and information about the origins of the dish.

It’s no coincidence that some of the world’s very best edible offerings come in a bowl. There’s just something hearty, wholesome and inviting about spheres of steaming soup, colourful poké and aromatic pho that plating up can’t match, so get ready and dig in! This is the fifth release in Lonely Planet Food’s The World’s Best… series of food & drink books, following The World’s Best Street Food (2012), The World’s Best Spicy Food (2014), The World’s Best Drinks (2016) and The World’s Best Superfoods (2017).

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