Southern Downs Regional Council has recognised seven of the region’s most dedicated and deserving community members and announce the winners of the 2022 Australia Day Awards. Ceremonies in Warwick and Stanthorpe on Wednesday 26 January formally acknowledged the following category winners:

Citizen of the Year Award – Southern Region: Frances Hodgson
Citizen of the Year Award – Northern Region: Corina Graham
Junior Sportsperson of the Year – Southern Region: Jacob Kent
Sportsperson of the Year Award – Northern Region: Harriet Hudson
Junior Citizen of the Year Award – Southern Region: Teresa Pozzebon
Cultural/Community Event or Person of the Year Award – Southern Region: Judith Flitcroft
Cultural/Community Event or Person of the Year Award – Northern Region: Historic Leyburn Sprints

Southern Downs Mayor Vic Pennisi congratulated all the nominees and award winners for their contributions and said that each individual had an inspiring story of achieving great outcomes for their community over the years. “The Australia Day Awards are an opportunity to recognise and say thanks to the members of our community who go above and beyond the call of duty, driven by a genuine and selfless desire to make a difference,” Mayor Pennisi said.

“At the core of each nomination is a worthy nominee who has made an exceptional contribution and worked hard and tirelessly to achieve positive outcomes that contribute to the liveability of our region. I would like to thank all the nominees and winners for their commitment and dedication to the Southern Downs community and acknowledge the inspiration they each give me and their peers through their dedication. These people are testament to the proud community we have on the Southern Downs and demonstrate the real impact volunteers have on everyday lives.”

Australia Day ceremonies in Warwick and Stanthorpe also welcomed the region’s newest citizens, with Council following the latest health advice to deliver a COVID-safe event for the community. The events took place outdoors and attendee numbers were limited by invitation only.

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