DGT Employment & Training celebrated the graduation of participants in its Skilled Up Build program on 21 November. The program is funded under the Queensland Government Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative. The Skilled Up Build participants completed a Certificate 1 in Construction.

The participants performed much needed construction and maintenance works at the Toowoomba Kart Club, resulting in significant community benefits. “As a not-for-profit organisation, DGT Employment & Training is proud to be partnering with the Kart Club and the Queensland Government to deliver programs such as these that provide skills and traineeships and apprenticeship opportunities to participants, and deliver benefits to other not-for-profit groups and the community generally,” said DGT CEO Kris McCue. “The participants are job ready, able to hit the ground running and productive from day one, when they do gain an apprenticeship or a job.”

DGT has a range of similar employment and training programs available, as well as ongoing apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities.

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